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If you ended up on this page by following a link on a library webpage, you should talk to your local administrator about updating links. You can find contact details via the forgotten password page:

On 13 December 2019 the last part of the service that used the old domain was updated to use instead. This was done for many reasons, including:

  • Consistency
  • Ease of support, development, and global distribution

The only effect you may have seen to the operation of the service is if you were still had links to the proxy service on your pages (or in your bookmarks) that used that domain - for example:<target>

Those links will have stopped working.

Should you have any of these links, there are two options.

  1. update them to use this form:<target>

  2. use redirector links instead as they were (and will remain) unaffected by this kind of change. 

Our service desk or your support partner will be happy to help.

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