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Redirector link generator

Path to function: Resources > Redirector link generator (admin area). For the public link generator jump to the end of the page

The resource link generator allows you to create Redirector links that will take the end-user to defined landing pages in compatible resources. This will only generate links for redirectable resources, not for bypassable resources.

The link generator encodes the specified target URL and adds it to the end of a prefix address specific to your domain. The format allows this kind of link to take the place of a proxy address in portal tools such as library catalogues or link resolvers.


Not all resources support this kind of target page specific linking with the redirector, but once you know your links are working for a given resource using the handy test button, you can skip this tool and simply add further links for that resource at the end of the address displayed in the generator, e.g:


If you have a large and varied list of links you can upload them via the option in the second section. The upload can be in csv or txt format and must consist of one URL per line. The system will process the list and put a report in your download area. The report will quote the links you uploaded, the redirector URL and the name of the resource for compatible resources (and say which if any links were not compatible) 

Be sure your target links are clear of any sensitive information such as username or password parameters. 

Both options will always percent encode the target URLs (sometimes known as URL encoding) to avoid potential problems with parameters in target links, and whilst it may not be necessary in every case you should expect to do so if you are creating these links in any other way. There are online tools available that will encode URLs for you and most spreadsheet software will include such a function if you have many to do.

Formula for a spreadsheet

If your URL is in A1, pop the following formula in B1:


(Unfortunately the ENCODEURL function is not available in the online or Mac versions of MS Excel)

There is also a function at that anyone can use by finding their organisation and entering a target URL. This and the spreadsheet option will be useful for colleagues who need to maintain links but don't have access to the admin area. If you're passing the link to a colleague, you might copy the link from the page where you've already found your organisation to save them a step.  

Anything to watch out for?

Whilst rare, there can sometimes be different versions of a resource in the catalogue and you need to make sure that the redirectable resource you are working with here is the same one you have assigned to your users' permission sets. You can identify redirectable resources in the catalogue by an icon on their card, e.g:

The link generator will always return federated resources before looking at matches in the managed proxy service.

Links that contain passwords are rejected.

Unlike the redirector itself, the link generator is not able to resolve DOI or Ebsco smartlinks so any go links you generate using those as the target should be manually confirmed.

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