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Service desk and support

If the answers you need aren’t in these pages (or something has gone horribly wrong) you may need to contact our support team.

The are usually available on weekdays from 02:00 to 22:00 UK time, although this can be affected by public holidays and occasional all-staff events.

The web portal will give you access to the history of all your tickets. If calling by telephone, you may be asked for the PIN displayed in your admin area - it’s on the organisation preferences page ( > Preferences > Organisation)

Other help


In the unfortunate event of an end user from an OpenAthens organisation abusing your service:

  • We can help the user’s organisation identify the person

  • If you’re not already in touch with the subscribing organisation we can put you in touch with the relevant person

What we’ll need to know is:

  • The targetedID of the user in question

  • The organisation they’re from

  • An example of a date and time the user signed into your site (to the minute is ok)

If you can’t contact the right people at the organisation, log a call with our service desk saying you need to have an organisation identify a user who has misused a resource.

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