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About field sizes

If you are uploading or mapping data to fields that already exist in OpenAthens, you will want to make sure your data fits.

Bulk uploads will reject fields that are two large and mapped attributes will be truncated to fit. These are the maximum field sizes.

We've been around for a long time, so some of the fields are smaller than you might expect.


Username: 20 (including prefix)

Password: 100

First name: 50

Last name: 50

Email: 200

Title: 100

Department: 100

Position: 50

Telephone fields: 20

Staff/student number: 20

Postal address: 200

Institution: 100

Custom attributes

Text attributes - 1024

Email attributes - 200

Choices - 255

Dates - must be between 1 Jan 1900 and 6 June 2079.

Permission sets

Description: 100

Name: 20

Notes: 200

Resources, inc. custom


Description: 2000

URLs: 512

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