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OpenAthens Wayfinder UX

When you send an end-user to Wayfinder, the goal is for them to be returned to you with the relevant information for you to send them to their identity provider for authentication. This is what they see:

Usually this will not be the first time the user has visited this discovery service, so a cookie from a previous visit to any SP using Wayfinder will present them with their previous choices.

  • Users have the option to select a remembered IdP or search again
  • When they select an IdP they are returned to your SP software with the IdP information
  • Your SP software then knows where to send them for authentication...

If this is the first time they have been referred to this discovery service there will be no remembered IdPs so they are immediately presented the search view.

  • If the user's browser shares geo location data, Wayfinder will try to show the closest IdP to the user (requires the IdP to have coordinate data in their metadata)
  • When they start entering text, Wayfinder will start listing relevant IdP names based on the text and all the federations that your entityID appears in. 
  • When they have entered enough text and selected an organisation Wayfinder stores that choice as a cookie and returns the user to your SP software with the IdP information
  • Your SP software then knows where to send them for authentication...

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