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Email template examples

Some examples of modified email templates for inspiration:

Account created

From${organisationName}The name of your organisation or sub-organisation
Reply-toYour Organisation <>Best not to change the email part of this
SubjectOpenAthens account for ${accountForenames} ${accountSurname}Added user first / last name to subject line
Dear ${accountForenames},
The following OpenAthens account has been created/modified for you.

Username: ${accountUsername}

The following link should be used to activate your account: 

If you cannot follow the link, you can copy and paste it into your browser. 

If you have any queries about your account you should contact the library counter either in person or via email:

Personalised greeting.

Organisation specific support instructions, including an activation URL that you should not edit - be very careful if you're editing in something like Word and pasting in that this doesn't change.

Account expiring

This one is from an organisation using custom self-registration that has enabled the re-registration option. These reminders, if enabled, are sent at 30 and 15 days before expiry.

From ${organisationName}The name of your organisation or sub-organisation
Reply-to Your Organisation <>Best not to change the email part of this
Subject OpenAthens account ${accountUsername} expiry notificationAdds username to subject line

Your OpenAthens account will expire on ${expiryDate}. 

If you will still be employed by Goliath National Bank beyond this date you may extend your account by renewing at

If you have any problems, please contact the research procurement team on

Links to the page where the user can extend their account

Account moved

This one is written from the perspective of a healthcare consortium where users move between hospitals with different resource allocations and have used our API to run their own self-service portal for users to create and update their own accounts.

From ${organisationName}
Reply-to Your Organisation <>
Subject Welcome to your new organisation

Dear ${accountForenames}, 

Your OpenAthens account has been moved within the system to ${organisationName} by the self service portal and the online research tools available to you may have changed.

Your password is unchanged and your username is still $(accountUsername}.

If you have forgotten your password, you can reset it in the self service portal at

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