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Enabling access by resource type

In order for an OpenAthens user to access a resource, the resource needs to be in the permission set associated with the username, and the relevant identifiers for your organisation need to be registered by the service provider (entity ID and scope, organisation ID, or OpenAthens proxy IP address).

Which resource to choose?

Whilst rare, you can sometimes find more than one version of the same resource but there will usually only be one. If you are using the redirector with a link resolver or similar, then look for the arrow icon on the resource - if it's not there you might need to talk to your account manager about the managed proxy:

If is only the IP bypass function that you use, then as long as the resource has an access URL you'll be ok.

Actions by resource type

In all cases, once the service provider confirms they have set things up at their end you can select the resource from the catalogue, allocate it to your permission set(s) and test. In some cases the resource provider may have an online tool where you can configure these things yourself.

Regular (federated) resources

Contact the service provider asking for federated access to be enabled, quoting your entityID and scope(s). These can be viewed on the organisation summary.

Example text to include

I would like to use federated access management to access my subscription [alongside my existing methods]. I am a member of the OpenAthens federation and my entityID and scope are:



Please confirm which attributes you need me to release, any additional attributes it would be beneficial to release, and your WAYFless URL format.

Proxied resources

Contact the publisher asking for your OpenAthens proxy IP address to be registered against your subscription.

If the resource is not in the catalogue

Contact your account manager.

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