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List accounts

Path to function: Accounts > List

This lists all the accounts under your direct control whether they be activated or not, live or expired but doesn't include accounts under sub-organisations. Click on an account to view or modify the details.

You have the same options and actions available to you here as you would with a search result as regards the select and column buttons. The action button appears when you use the checkboxes to select some accounts and allows operations such as bulk modify and download.

Deleted accounts

Accounts that you have deleted will appear on this tab. They are purged automatically after 30 days but can be recovered or permanently deleted sooner via the actions menu.

This only applies to OpenAthens accounts, not local connections.

Local connections

If you are using a local connection such as ADFS or LDAP, mapped accounts appear on their own tab. Should you have more than two connections they will be selectable by a drop-down list on one tab (click the tab again to change connector, or confirm the selected one).

All mapped attributes are available for display from the field chooser whether or not there is data to display. The data will appear for users after they have signed in - if you have lines for users without data, then either the user has not logged in since the mapping was set up, or the source did not provide that data.

Should the mapped data be multi-valued - e.g. the memberOf field - then only one value can be shown. All the values are cached and can be used in things like permission set rules though.

You can clear mapped data by checking the boxes next to accounts and selecting delete from the actions button; if and when a cleared user is seen again their data will reappear. The display will always represent what was the case for that user the last time we saw them - i.e. any changes in your directory will not appear here until the next time the user signs in.

Depending on how you use this data, you might choose to regularly clear all of it, or you might choose to map an attribute such as expiry date from your local systems onto an openathens attribute so you can be more selective. Either way, they will be automatically cleared after 365 days of not being seen and you can set a lower limit on the connection if you need to.

The add mappings button is used when you want to limit access to only pre-mapped local accounts. You will need to have had at least one user login for this function to be available.

Suspended vs Disabled

This only applies to local accounts:

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